

Prayer of Hope


This year and the election have brought us much spiritual, emotional, and physical turmoil. With that in mind, the article this week will be a prayer:

Dear Lord,

You are the being that created the Heavens and the Earth. You alone have everything in Your mighty, loving, and merciful hands. We humbly bow to You and praise Your holy name, because only You are worthy of such things. We are Your children Father, children You so graciously adopted at the cost of Your only Son. As children we are anxious, scared, and brought low by the challenges we face. With child-like mindsets, it is as though every trial is crashing our world to the ground. Yet we survive, and that is because of You. We pray for the strength and courage to turn our focus away from our trials, so that we see only see You.  


Help us recognize the blessing that You are and the blessings that You lavish upon us. Help us to have compassion toward others and the trials they face. Help us to seek the peace that comes by Your love, and to embrace the physical diversity of this amazing world You created. There is none greater and holier than You. At this time, we pray for our leaders, that they may open their hearts to You, do what is righteous in Your eyes, and that they bring gory to Your name. We pray for the sick and the doctors caring for them--that they physically get better, but more importantly that they are enlightened to the comfort only You can provide. 


You are the God who brought the Israelites out of Egypt. You had Joshua topple nations, let Daniel survive the lion’s den, helped the weak Gideon become strong, granted Paul mercy, kept Samson faithful in the end, and protected Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from fire. Because of You Abigail’s inward beauty shined bright, Jephthah’s daughter had courage, and Mary the mother of Jesus remained pure. By Your power Jesus descended to Earth, ascended back to Heaven for our sake, and conquered death by His resurrection. By Your hand the world that was once flooded and destroyed, now has the opportunity to eternally be saved. Help us truly acknowledge You and Your power in our hearts. When Your power truly dwells in us, we will begin to seek You above all else, bring glory to You, and gain entrance into Heaven by Your grace. Lastly, we ask that You please forgive us for our shortcomings and of the sins we commit against You. We Love You and once again praise Your Holy name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.