

Committed to Acting Worthy

          Over the past week in our country, a new president take office. In accordance with the U.S. Constitution there has just been a transition in the people that preside over this country. God being the creator, however, has authority over all things on this Earth, including our governments. He is unchangeable and always has a plan that brings hope and prosperity to His people (Jer. 29:11). God’s children are not just Americans (Rom. 2:9-11) and while there is always hope for physical prosperity when abiding in God, the guaranteed hope we have resides in His spiritual kingdom (Heb. 11:1-4, John 18:36).

            Now let us look at people in the Bible who sought to fulfill the plans of the spiritual kingdom first, rather than hold onto the physical aspects of the world. Abraham in Genesis 22:1-2 was told to take his son Isaac and sacrifice him on a mountain in the land of Moriah. If Abraham were consumed with the physical aspects of this world, he would have responded with, “What? Are you crazy Lord? I can’t sacrifice my son.” Yet, because Abraham knew that God’s authority was above all, he trusted God’s plan and faithfully went to do as the Lord commanded. Abraham did not end up sacrificing His son, as God blessed Abraham and his descendants for having such faith.

Moses is an example how God asks us to answer His call with faith not perfection. Moses felt unworthy to follow God and to be his voice (Ex. 3:11, 4:10), but God answered his doubt with gentleness and compassion by saying, “I will be with you (Ex. 3:12, 4:11-16).”

            In the New Testament there are also examples of those who believed in the higher plan of God. Ananias was the disciple who helped Paul regain his sight so that Paul may be filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:10-19). Ananias was probably partly worried for his life and curious about why God wanted him to go to Paul, given his evil reputation. Yet, Ananias did as God asked and trusted in His plan by going to Paul when God had revealed to him that Paul was a chosen instrument for God’s will. Imagine if Ananias did not go and cared more about his physical well-being than the plan to further His spiritual kingdom. The New Testament would be noticeably shorter than it is today. Just as Paul was an instrument for Christ, so are you as a child of God’s in 2021. Have confidence in knowing that God is with you and that when you look past the physical struggles to obey God’s plan, good things beyond your comprehension can be achieved. 

We know that God is with us regardless of our individual situations because God was with the Roman centurion in Luke 7. The centurion was regarded by the Jewish elders as being a man who had love in his heart. He was doing everything he can to save a servant of his which would have been an uncommon thing for this time. He also built a synagogue for the Jews even though they technically were enemies and knowing that even he would not have been welcomed to enter it (Luke 7:2,5). This Roman military man being of a higher rank in the military also understood authority (Luke 7:8) and was humble about his position under the authority of Jesus. All of this led him to believe with such a faith that he knew if Jesus spoke the words to heal his servant, it would be done (Luke 7:9-10). This year are we going to live with that same confidence and authority in Christ? Knowing that above all else, if we as individuals confidently abide with God’s spiritual kingdom, this nation and even the world will be healed.