

A Prayer for this Week


When we lose the ability to communicate with others at the push of a button, we tend to panic. Frantically we search with the hope that a solution to our communication problem will be found. Similarly, we feel guilty when we have gone weeks without talking to family members that are apart from us. Yet we often don’t find ourselves panicked and feeling guilty because we can’t (or haven’t) talked with the greatest loved one in our lives, our one true Father. Prayer is one of the parts of our day to day worship that we tend to overlook.


When we pray to our Lord and Savior, it is not because it is a box to be checked or an obligation to tradition. We go to Him in prayer because we love God and want to express our hearts to Him in that moment. As we pray, some ways we can express our hearts is by giving praise, giving thanks, and giving Him our worries. We need to recognize that He is the God of the valleys and the mountains in our lives. Through His wisdom we are given the tools to humbly appreciate our highest moments and to climb our way back to those peaks when we have valleys. God is fighting for us and loving us every second of our lives, and every second we have an opportunity to tell him that we know this as a fact. We must recognize the love God puts into our lives and hearts during these tough moments. God makes sure we are never alone, even if we may see it that way for a moment. Don’t be afraid to seek help when you need it and to look for the moments that our talents can be used to help others.


How long has it been since we fully embraced the love that our God offers? Right now, let us take this opportunity to talk to our Father. Let us take this moment to appreciate Him and pray for others in our lives:


"Dear Lord, You are the Creator of the heavens and of Earth. You are the powerful one true God of all, and we are humbled to be Your servants. You have given up Your only son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for our sake. And even then, You still bless us every day through the opportunities we have, the love in our lives, the people we are, and the people you are helping us become. Please be with those in our lives who need Your healing, guidance, or need to embrace You. There are so many names that come to our minds and You know who they are. We are forever grateful to be able to leave them in Your almighty, loving hands. Please help us see the opportunities set before us to spread Your light and love in others. It is in Your merciful name we pray, Jesus Christ. Amen."


Inspired by: 1 Kings 20:23-28; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; John 17; Psalm 23, 105; Isaiah 42