

Passing the Mantle



In life we as human beings put so much pressure on ourselves regarding our identity. We use titles, beliefs, work, and any other descriptive word to describe who we are not only to ourselves but also to others. Sometimes our identity becomes more of a mask than we like to admit, an identity that society and we ourselves consider to be well put together. I am not saying there is anything wrong with succeeding and having accomplishments, nor am I saying we should start making life decisions without careful planning and consideration, but it all brings some questions to mind. Am I making decisions because of what others think I should do? Am I heading down a road that I love? Where does God's plan fit into my plan?


To give an example, when the question of, “Who are you?" or "What do you do?” comes up, I used to get a lot of anxiety. The perception of having a life plan and goals that align with what I think others and society expect to hear was a big struggle to overcome and can still be sometimes. But when I tell me people my hobbies and that I am exploring my options through writing, drawing and being a stay-at-home husband, I get more positive responses then I would have thought. It still gives me some nerves but overtime it has brought on less and less. This is because the worldly purposes that seem so important cannot compare with realizing that we are loved by God and should let that love shine. When it comes to letting God’s love shine through us, it always needs improvement; but as long as we try our hardest with our best foot forward, then we can truly turn our adversity into triumphs.


For the Chrisian, the answer to the question of “what do we do" and "who are we?” is faith. We do not need to have it all together and we never know where our live may go, but if we have faith then it will all be okay. When Elijah sought to mentor Elisha about being a prophet of the Lord despite being hesitant about leaving his loved ones, he left with Elijah because he had faith. The father who waited years for his lost prodigal son to return home had faith, and so did many other examples in the Bible. They all took the next leap and had faith: they all faced trials and struggles as well but the faith they had at the beginning was there as well at the end, which is why their stories ended with the most beautiful gift they could receive: joining our Savior for all eternity.


When we die, we leave an impression on all the people we have met along the way. The first thought that might come to mind is that we want our legacy to be, “that person had everything, he did things, went places, and had it together.” But what if our legacy said, “that person had faith and put their heart into everyone and everything that crossed their path.” As Mark wrote, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” We are not perfect and we do not need to pretend to be or feel the pressure of having life figured out or having it all together. We have the opportunity to let the Creator of all things guide us in this life. Now we have the choice to listen to Him and seek His guidance and help. If West Mason can help you know God and love in any way, please let us know!


Inspired by Mark 8:36, 2 Kings 1-2; 1 Kings 19; Luke 15:11-32.